Department of Mathematics
University of Utah

Applied Math Seminar

This seminar is a joint seminar in Nonlinear Analysis,
PDE, Materials Science, Fluid Dynamics, and other general Applied Math subjects,
organized in past years by Jingyi Zhu, Mark Lewis, David Eyre, Andrej Cherkaev, Klaus Schmitt,
Grant Gustafson, Richard McLaughlin, Graeme Milton, Sasha Balk, and Ken Golden.
To subscribe, send email to an organizer or to [email protected].

4:30-5:30pm Mondays, LCB 215

Click here for the earlier Lectures during Fall 1995 - Spring 2003

Fall 2003 Lectures

September 8:  Grady Wright (University of Utah)
An Introduction to the Radial Basis Function Method

September 17: Mike Kirby (School of Computing, University of Utah), Joint Math Biology Seminar
Simulation Science: The Modeling of Real-World Problems

September 22: Andrej Cherkaev (University of Utah)
Nonconvex variational problems: questions and methods

September 29: Philip Maini (Oxford University), Joint Math Biology Seminar
The effect of domain growth on pattern selection in a model pattern generator

October 13: Alexander Balk (University of Utah)
Clustering of passive particles by Random Waves

October 20: Vladimir Vinogradov (University of Utah)
Microcracks in laminated composite materials: why, when and where?

November 3: Paul Fife (University of Utah)
New perspectives on the old problem of wall-generated turbulence

November 10: Frank Stenger (School of Computing, University of Utah)
SINC-PACK, A Family of Programs for Computation

November 17: Peter Alfeld (University of Utah)
Tetrahedral Finite Elements

December 9: Ross McPhedran (University of Sydney)
Notice the time/room change: 4:00 pm, LCB 215.
Squaring the Riemann Hypothesis

Speakers are needed for 2003-2004!
Please contact Andrej Cherkaev ( (801) 581-6822, [email protected]), or Jingyi Zhu ( (801) 581-3236, [email protected]).

Click here for the earlier Lectures