Department of Mathematics
University of Utah

Applied Math Seminar
This seminar is a joint seminar in Nonlinear Analysis,
PDE, Materials Science, Fluid Mechanics, and Applied Math,
organized in past years by Jingyi Zhu, Mark Lewis, Andrej Cherkaev, Klaus Schmitt,
Grant Gustafson, Richard McLaughlin, Graeme Milton, Sasha Balk, and Ken Golden.
To subscribe, send email to an organizer or to [email protected].

3:30-4:30pm Mondays, INSCC 110

Spring 2000 Lectures

January 10: Alexander Vikhansky (Mech. Eng., Ben-Gurion U, Israel)
Some free surface problems of granular media

January 17: No seminar. Martin Luther King/Human Rights Day

January 24: Richard Normann (U of U, Bioengineering)
Representations of sensory and motor information by neuronal ensembles in the vertebrate nervous system

January 31: Hector Ceniceros (Caltech, Applied math)
A New Approach to Dynamically Adaptive Mesh Generation and
Potentially Singular Flows

February 7:

February 14: Vakhtang Poutkaradze (U of New Mexico, Math)
Non-Uniform flow from a point source

February 21: No seminar. Presidents Day

February 28: Misha Chertkov (Los Alamos)
Turbulent advection: from passive scalar to active vector

March 6: David Amundsen (Caltech, Applied math)
Resonances in Dispersive Wave Systems

March 13: No seminar. Semester Break

March 20: Dani Or (Soil Physics, USU)
Dripping from Unsaturated Fractures Into Subterranean Cavities

March 27: Valy Vardeny (U of U, Physics)
Optical Studies of Photonic Crystals

April 3: Sergey Serkov (U of U, Math)
Asymptotic optimization and bounds on effective fields

April 10: Fernardo Reitich (U of Minnesota, Math)
Domain Variations and Analytic Continuation
in Boundary-Value and Free-Boundary Problems

April 11: Blaise Bourdin (Caltech)
Regularization of Some Topology Optimization Problems by Mean of Gamma Convergence
Note the day change - TUESDAY

April 17: Alexei Efros (U of U, Physics)
Crossover from percolation to diffusion

April 24: James Gleeson (Arizona State U, Math)
Turbulent Diffusion

Speakers are needed for 1999-2000!
Please contact Ken Golden (801-581-6176, [email protected])
or Sasha Balk (801-581-7512, [email protected]).