 Library        Description 
 -------        ------------------------------------------------------
 a              algorithms for numerical approximation
 access         netlib access tools, such as unshar
 aicm           selected material from Advances in Computational Mathematics
 alliant        programs collected from Alliant users
 amos           Bessel functions of complex argument and nonnegative order
 ampl           linear and nonlinear programming.
 anl-reports    Reports from the MCS division at Argonne
 apollo         programs collected from Apollo users.
 benchmark      contains benchmark programs and the table of Linpack timings.
 bib            bibliographies:  Golub and Van Loan, 2nd ed.
 bibnet         BibNet -- Netlib Bibliography Project
 bihar          biharmonic equation in rectangular geometry and polar 
 blacs          Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms
 blas           blas (level 1, 2 and 3) and machine constants (reliable, stable)
 blast          Communications of the BLAST mailing lists
 bmp            Brent's multiple precision package
 c++            miscellaneous codes in C++
 c              miscellaneous codes written in C
 cephes         special functions and IEEE floating point arithmetic (in C)
 chammp         DOE Computer Hardware, Advanced Mathematics and Model Physics 
 cheney-kincaid Ward Cheney & David Kincaid
 clapack        C version of LAPACK
 commercial     advertising material for commercial math software
 confdb         conferences database
 conformal      the "parameter problem" associated with conformal mapping
 contin         continuation and limit points
 control        generation of examples of continuous-time algebraic Riccati 
 crc            checksums for netlib files
 cumulvs        CUMULVS is an infrastructure library that allows a programmer 
                to easily extract data from a running parallel simulation and 
                send the data to a visualization package.  CUMULVS includes 
                the capability to steer user-defined parameters in a 
                distributed simulation.
 ddsv           "Linear Algebra Computations on Vector and Parallel Computers"
 dierckx        spline fitting routines for various kinds of data and geometries
                also called fitpack, but no connection with Alan Cline's library
 diffpack       object-oriented libraries for partial differential equations 
                and Unix utilities for software management and numerical 
                programming (in C++)
 domino         multiple tasks to communicate and schedule local tasks for 
                execution. These tasks may be on a single processor or spread 
                among multiple processors connected by a message-passing 
                network. (in C, assembler)
 eispack        eigenvalues and eigenvectors. A collection of Fortran 
                subroutines that compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors 
                of nine classes of matrices.  The package can determine 
                the eigensystems of complex general, complex Hermitian,
                real general, real symmetric, real symmetric band, 
                real symmetric tridiagonal, special real tridiagonal, 
                generalized real, and generalized real symmetric matrices. 
                In addition, there are two routines which use the singular 
                value decomposition to solve certain least squares problems.
                (see seispack) reliable and stable.
 elefunt        testing elementary function programs provided with Fortran 
 env            integrated problem solving environments
 f2c            converting Fortran to C
 fdlibm         C math library for machines that support IEEE 754 
                floating-point (Version: 5.1)
 fftpack        Fast Fourier Transform of periodic and other symmetric 
                sequences This package consists of programs which perform 
                Fast Fourier Transforms for both complex and real periodic 
                sequences and certain other symmetric sequences.
                (see double precision version in bihar) reliable & stable
 fishpack       finite differences for elliptic boundary value problems.
                CRAYFISHPAK is an expanded version of FISHPAK that has been 
                totally rewritten for vector computers, on which order of 
                magnitude speedups have been commonly observed.  
                see http://www.greenmtn.com/software reliable & stable
 fitpack        splines under tension.  (an early version)
                For a current copy and for other routines, contact:
                Pleasant Valley Software, 8603 Altus Cove, Austin TX 78759, USA
 floppy         fortan code syntax and flow control checker
 fmm            ref: Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations
                by: George Forsythe, Mike Malcolm, and Cleve Moler. (see sfmm)
 fn             special functions
 fortran-m      small set of extensions to f77 that supports modular 
 fortran        tools specific to Fortran:  a single/double converter; 
                static debugger
 fp             floating point arithmetic
 gcv            Generalized Cross Validation spline smoothing
 gmat           multi-processing Time Line and State Graph tools.
 gnu            utilities useful to netlib clients, covered by GNU public 
 go             Golden Oldies:  widely used,  but not in standard libraries.
 graphics       scientific visualization
 harwell        sparse unsymmetric matrix routine MA28 from the Harwell library
 hence          Heterogenous Network Computing Environment, a visual parallel
                programming environment
 hompack        solving nonlinear systems of equations by homotopy methods
                fixed point, zero finding, and general homotopy curve tracking 
                problems utilizing both dense and sparse Jacobian matrices;
                ODE-based, normal flow, and augmented Jacobian.
 hpf            first draft of language specification
 ieeecss        IEEE / Control Systems Society sqred, Van Loan's 
                "square reduced" algorithm.
 ijsa           International Journal of Supercomputer Applications
 image          image processing (see popi, a/blur)
 intercom       Interprocessor Collective Communications (InterCom) Library
 itpack         Iterative Linear System Solvers Jacobi method, SOR, SSOR 
                with conjugate gradient acceleration or with Chebyshev 
                (semi-iteration - SI) acceleration.
 jakef          automatic differentiation a precompiler that analyses a given 
                Fortran77 source code for the evaluation of a scalar or vector 
                function and then generates an expanded Fortran subroutine 
                that simultaneously evaluates the gradient or Jacobian 
                respectively. For scalar functions the ratio between the 
                run-time of the resulting gradient routine and that of the 
                original evaluation routine is never greater than a fixed 
                bound of about five. The storage requirement may be 
                considerable as it is also proportional to the run-time of 
                the original routine. Since no differencing is done the 
                partial derivative values obtained are exact up to round-off 
 kincaid-cheney Ward Cheney & David Kincaid ref: Numerical Analysis: The 
                Mathematics of Scientific Computing, 1990.
 la-net         SIAG/LA news and conference arrangements
 lanczos        a few eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a large (sparse) symmetric 
                matrix real symmetric and  Hermitian matrices singular values 
                and vectors of real, rectangular matrices (see go/underwood.f)
 lanz           Large Sparse Symmetric Generalized Eigenproblem 
                (see go/underwood.f)
 lapack         the most common problems in numerical linear algebra linear 
                equations, linear least squares problems, eigenvalue problems,
                and singular value problems. It has been designed to be 
                efficient on a wide range of modern high-performance computers.
                reliable ref: LAPACK Users' Guide, May 1992, [email protected]
 lapack90       Fortran90 interface for LAPACK 
 laso           a few eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a large (sparse) symmetric 
                matrix alg: Lanczos (see go/underwood.f)
 lawson-hanson  least squares ref: "Solving Least Squares Problems," 
                SIAM Publications
 linalg         various functions complementing the bigger linear algebra 
 linpack        linear  equations and linear least squares problems linear 
                systems whose matrices are general, banded, symmetric 
                indefinite, symmetric positive definite, triangular, and 
                tridiagonal square.  In addition, the package computes the 
                QR and singular value decompositions of rectangular matrices 
                and applies them to least squares problems. reliable & stable
                ref: LINPACK User's Guide.  SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1979.
 list           various databases searched by netlib's "find" and "who is" 
                commands. By default, "find" searches a large collection of 
                one-line descriptions of netlib items.  You can also search 
                in some proprietary libraries by sending a request of the form
                find bessel from imsl nag port. Of course, you can't get the 
                actual source code from netlib! By default, "whois" searches 
                the SIAM Membership List and the "nalist" files.  Use the form
                whois Ed Block.
 lp             linear programming test problems
 machines       information on high performance computers
 magic          finding matrices for implication connectives
 maspar         MasPar-specific libraries and tools
 matlab         ornl.gov
 mds            multidimensional scaling
 microscope     looking closely at functions Given an interpolation or 
                approximation scheme, it allows the following questions, 
                among others, to be answered: Does the scheme interpolate?    
                How often is it differentiable? What functions does it 
                reproduce exactly? If the scheme is polynomial, what is its 
                polynomial degree? Where is the smoothness of a function 
                reduced? Where are the bugs in a FORTRAN implementation?
 minpack        nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems.
                Five algorithmic paths each include a core subroutine and an
                easy-to-use driver.  The algorithms proceed either from an 
                analytic specification of the Jacobian matrix or directly 
                from the problem functions.  The paths include facilities 
                for systems of equations with a banded Jacobian matrix, 
                for least squares problems with a large amount of data, 
                and for checking the consistency of the Jacobian matrix 
                with the functions. (see sminpack)
 misc           various stuff collected over time
 mpfun          multiple precision arithmetic
 mpi            message passing interface draft standard.
 na-digest-html html versions of the NA-Digests and a search interface
 na-digest      archives of the numerical interest mailing group
 napack         linear algebra and optimization A collection of Fortran 
                subroutines to solve linear systems, to estimate the 
                condition number or the norm of a matrix, to compute 
                determinants, to multiply a matrix by a vector, to invert 
                a matrix, to solve least squares problems, to perform
                unconstrained minimization, to compute eigenvalues, 
                eigenvectors, the singular value decomposition, or the 
                QR decomposition. The package has special routines for 
                general, band, symmetric, indefinite, tridiagonal, 
                upper Hessenberg, and circulant matrices.
                ref: Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, Prentice-Hall, 1988.
 news           netlib column for SIAM News lang: LaTeX
 numeralgo      algorithms from the new journal "Numerical Algorithms"
 ode            initial and boundary value ordinary differential equation 
                solvers colsys, dverk, rksuite, ode
 odepack        ODE package see: sodepack
 odrpack        Orthogonal Distance Regression A portable collection of 
                Fortran subprograms for fitting a model to data.  It is 
                designed primarily for instances when the independent 
                as well as the dependent variables have significant errors,
                implementing a highly efficient algorithm for solving the 
                weighted orthogonal distance regression problem, i.e., 
                for minimizing the sum of the squares of the weighted 
                orthogonal distances between each data point and the 
                curve described by the model equation.
 opt            miscellaneous optimization software, e.g. Brent's praxis.
 p4             parallel programming system. subroutines and macors for 
                writing portable parallel programs in Fortran or C for 
                execution on a wide variety of parallel machines and 
                workstation networks.
 paragraph      graphical display of message-passing multiprocessor 
 paranoia       exploring the floating point system on your computer.
 parkbench      parallel benchmark working group
 parmacs        parallel programmming macros for monitors and send/receive
 pascal         miscellaneous codes written in Pascal At present, codes from 
                J.C. Nash, Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear 
                Algebra and Function Minimisation, Second Edition
 pbwg           pbwg has been renamed parkbench. Please look in there.
 pdes           partial differential equation packages
 photo          snapshots from numerical analysis conferences (contributions 
 picl           generic message-passing interface to multiprocessors also 
                provides timestamped trace data. keywords: portable, error 
                trapping, parallel, interprocessor communication, 
 pltmg          elliptic partial differential equations in general regions 
                of the plane It features adaptive local mesh refinement, 
                multigrid iteration, and a pseudo-arclength continuation 
                option for parameter dependencies.  The package includes 
                an initial mesh generator and several graphics packages.
                ref: PLTMG User's Guide, SIAM publications
 poly2          conversion tools for polyhedra library
 polyhedra      angles, vertex locations, etc of geometric solids
 popi           arbitrary manipulation of digitized images. ref: Chap 5,6 
                of Beyond Photography--The Digital Darkroom, Prentice Hall
 port           public subset of the PORT library Includes the latest version 
                of Gay's NL2SOL nonlinear least squares. The rest of the PORT3 
                library is available by license from AT&T.
 posix          an experiment sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society to make 
                available draft documents, meeting notices, and minutes for 
                its POSIX standardization activities. Initially, only a very 
                limited subset of working groups and documents is provided.
 pppack         splines ref: Carl de Boor A Practical Guide to Splines reliable
 presto         an environment for writing object-oriented parallel programs
 pvm3           software and papers on a Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
                software for heterogeneous networking parallel processing in
                Fortran or C for execution on a wide variety of parallel
                machines, supercomputers, and workstation networks.
 quadpack       definite univariate integrals
 random         random number generators
 research       small tools from Computing Science Research, Bell Labs
 scalapack      software for MIMD distributed memory computers for some of the
                lapack routines
 sched          the Schedule package, to aid transportable implementation 
                of parallel algorithms in a Fortran setting.
 scilib         a portable FORTRAN emulation (by M.J. McBride and S.H. Lamson)
                of CRAY SCILIB, a library of scientific applications subprograms
                developed by Cray Research, Inc.
 seispack       eigenvalues and eigenvectors A collection of Fortran 
                subroutines that compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors 
                of nine classes of matrices.  The package can determine the 
                eigensystems of complex general, complex Hermitian, real 
                general, real symmetric, real symmetric band, real symmetric
                tridiagonal, special real tridiagonal, generalized real, and
                generalized real symmetric matrices. In addition, there are 
                two routines which use the singular value decomposition to 
                solve certain least squares problems.
 sequent        software from the Sequent Users Group
 sfmm           ref: Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations
                by: George Forsythe, Mike Malcolm, and Cleve Moler. (see fmm)
 shpcc94        files relating to the 1994 Scalable High Performance Computing 
 slap           iterative symmetric and non-symmetric linear system solution
                Sparse Linear Algebra Package. Included in this package are
                core routines to do Iterative Refinement iteration,   
                Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient iteration, Preconditioned 
                Conjugate Gradient iteration on the Normal Equations, 
                Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient iteration, Preconditioned 
                BiConjugate Gradient Squared iteration, Orthomin iteration  
                and Generalized Minimum Residual iteration. Core routines  
                require the user to supply "MATVEC" (Matrix Vector Multiply) 
                and "MSOLVE" (Preconditiong) routines.
 slatec         comprehensive software library containing over 1400 general
                purpose mathematical and statistical routines written in 
                Fortran 77.
 sminpack       nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems.
                Five algorithmic paths each include a core subroutine and an
                easy-to-use driver.  The algorithms proceed either from an 
                analytic specification of the Jacobian matrix or directly 
                from the problem functions.  The paths include facilities 
                for systems of equations with a banded Jacobian matrix, 
                for least squares problems with a large amount of data, 
                and for checking the consistency of the Jacobian matrix 
                with the functions.
 sodepack       ODE package
 sparse-blas    sparse extension to Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms.
 sparse         large sparse systems of linear equations using LU factorization.
                real and complex square Besides being able to solve linear 
                systems, it is solves transposed systems, find determinants, 
                multiplies a vector by a matrix, and estimate errors due to
                ill-conditioning in the system of equations and instability in
                the computations.  Sparse does not require symmetry and is 
                able to perform numerical pivoting (either diagonal or 
                complete) to avoid unnecessary error in the solution. (in C)
 sparspak       withdrawn by authors' request
 specfun        special functions and accompanying test programs
 spin           Automated Verification of Concurrent Systems. ref: `Design 
                and Validation of Computer Protocols,' Prentice Hall, 1991
                by: Gerard J. Holzmann
 srwn           Software Repository Working Notes
 stoeplitz      linear systems of Toeplitz or circulant form and for 
                orthogonal factorization of column-circulant matrices.
                (see: toeplitz)
 stringsearch   testing string matching algorithms This is a library of code, 
                test data and harnesses for various kinds of string matching, 
                includeing Boyer-Moore. ref: "Fast String Searching", 
                Software-Practice and Experience
 svdpack        singular values and singular vectors of large sparse matrices.
 templates      "one-liner" drivers of common numerical algorithms Also, 
                codes from Templates book.
 tennessee      Reports from the University of Tennessee
 textbook       codes associated with numerical analysis textbooks
 toeplitz       linear systems of Toeplitz or circulant form and for 
                orthogonal factorization of column-circulant matrices.
                (see: stoeplitz)
 toms           Collected Algorithms of the ACM ref: ACM Transactions on 
                Mathematical Software
 tomspdf        scanned images of early Collected Algorithms of the ACM
                ref: ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software seealso: toms
                These are binary files, unsuitable for email.  Use ftp or Web.
 typesetting    troff and TeX macros
 uncon          unconstrained optimization
 vanhuffel      total least squares, Partial Singular Value Decomposition The 
                TLS problem assumes an overdetermined set of linear equations
                AX = B, where both the data matrix A as well as the observation
                matrix B are inaccurate. The subroutine PTLS solves the Total 
                Least Squares (TLS) problem by using a Partial Singular Value 
                Decomposition (PSVD), hereby improving considerably the 
                computational efficiency with respect to the classical TLS 
 vfftpack       a vectorized version of fftpack, for multiple sequences.
 vfnlib         vectorized evaluation of special functions alg: chebyshev 
                series approximation ref: ACM Trans Math Softw, vol 18 (1992), 
                no 4, pp 456-469 (see: fn)
 voronoi        Voronoi regions and Delaunay triangulations
 xmagic         X windows front-end to MaGIC
 xnetlib        X Windows netlib file retrieval application
 y12m           sparse linear systems ref: Z. Zlatev et.al., Y12M solution 
                of large and sparse systems of linear algebraic equations, 
                Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 121, Springer, 1981.

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