3-4 LITERATURE (Last updated: 15-DEC-1996)
The Fortran FAQ is an important resource list, with a lot of information
about FORTRAN literature, tools etc. The main FAQ is maintained by
Keith Bierman ([email protected]) and an updated version
can be retrieved via anonymous FTP:
host: rtfm.mit.edu
directory: pub/usenet/usenet/comp.lang.fortran
(or other equivalent paths)
file: Fortran_FAQ
The Fortran 90 "auxiliary" FAQ is maintained by Michel Olagnon
([email protected]). It is included in the Fortran FAQ,
but a newer version can be retrieved via anonymous FTP:
host: ftp.ifremer.fr
directory: ifremer/ditigo/fortran90
file: engfaq (text version in English)
FORTRAN textbooks
An excellent FORTRAN 77 textbook is offered to the public by
the author:
Clive G. Page:
Professional Programmer's Guide to Fortran 77
Pitman, 1988
122 pages (including index)
The book can be retrieved (free!) from the author's site via
anonymous FTP:
Host: ftp.star.le.ac.uk
Directory: /pub/fortran
File: prof77.ps.gz (PostScript version)
There is also a Latex version available.
The Fortran FAQs contain lists of many other Fortran textbooks
Numerical Analysis FAQ
An excellent FAQ on Numerical Analysis is:
ftp://ftp.mathcom.com/Mathcom/na-faq ?????????
It contains a lot of information on Numerical Analysis resources
and many related fields.
Style guides
Style guides cover a wide range of topics, from program layout
to code design.
This old book (FORTRAN and PL/I examples) is still the best:
The Elements of Programming Style 1978 (2nd ed.)
Brian W. Kernighan & P. J. Plauger
Mcgraw-hill book Company
ISBN 0-07-034207-5
David L. Levine ([email protected]) wrote a nice FORTRAN style guide,
which can be accessed via anonymous FTP:
host: ics.uci.edu
directory: pub/levine
file: F77_Style_Guide
FORTRAN 77 standard
The FORTRAN 77 standard can be found at the Fortran Market in text
and HTML (recommended) forms. The standard is not easy to read, but
is very interesting, and of course is more complete and authoritative
than textbooks.
Web sites
The Fortran Market is an excellent source of important information,
including STANDARD DOCUMENTS (free!) and free libraries:
An incredible list of Fortran resources compiled by Tomasz Plewa
is mirrored at:
Books on algorithmics
Literature about algorithms may help you sometimes, here is a short
list of recommended books:
The Art of Computer Programming
Donald E. Knuth
Addison-Wesley 1969
An old classic series, contains basic theory and algorithms
presented in a mathematical rigorous way (oouch!):
Introduction to Algorithms
Udi Manbar
Addison-Wesley 1989
An introductory text of algorithmics, very readable:
Another classic:
The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms
Aho A.V., J.E. Hopcroft, J.D. ullman
Addison-Wesley 1974
Good algorithms can be found in many journals.
Books and articles on numerical analysis
See the Numerical Analysis FAQ at:
host: rtfm.mit.edu
directory: pub/usenet/news.answers/
A wonderful (a bit old) book is:
Dahlquist G., Bjorck A., Anderson N.
Numerical Methods
Prentice-Hall, 1974
ISBN 0-13-627315-7
An excellent article on floating-point arithmetic:
David Goldberg
What Every Computer Scientist Should
Know about Floating-Point arithmetic
ACM Computing Surveys
Vol. 23 #1 March 1991, pp. 5-48
Books on mathematics
A book (in 3 parts) covering all fields of mathematics in a clear
and concise way:
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics
Mathematical Society of Japan (Nihon Sugakkai)
The MIT Press Cambridge,
Massachusettes and London England 1986
Last but not least
A wealth of trivia and important facts illuminated with humour:
The new hacker's dictionary
Edited by Eric S. Raymond
The MIT press 1991
Cambridge, Mass ; London, England
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